Friday, November 30, 2007

Weekly random thoughts - what are some people thinking???

Another week is here and gone! Hard to believe that December is right around the corner! Darrin actually asked if he needed to take his snow pants to school today - there was a dusting of snow on the grown, bearly enough to cover the grass!

Um... no, don't' think you need those yet! Yes we are expecting snow over the weekend. I know kids like playing in the snow, but don't rush it! In a few months you are going to be complaining that you HAVE TO wear those same snow pants that you WANT to wear today!

Yesterday I saw the funniest thing when I was leaving the video store... A lady was in the parking lot with her poofy little white dog and she was wiping it's butt! Ok, now I can understand animals being part of the family and doing everything that you can for your pets (remember those kittens that we spent all that $$ on and they didn't make it). But wiping your dogs BUTT!?! ok, maybe the dog just went to the bathroom, maybe she had leather seats in her huge SUV, but I have to draw the line somewhere! Does this dog also have it's own wing of the house with his own butler? Oh wait, that was the lady wiping his butt!

SO to all me friends out there, never buy me a dog that I will have to wipe it's butt! I have a kid, 3 cats and a husband to clean up after already!

Sometime I really have to wonder about some of the new products out on the market... my mom just sent me the link for this one today.... It is a tray that can be used in the car. Fine and dandy for kids in the backseat who want to munch on their Happy Meal. Or any other passenger in the car that has some need for a table.... Just don't picture it attached to the STEERING WHEEL of the car!

I can see the headlines: "Man killed in highway accident... using his laptop while driving"

Do marketing people not think when they are creating some of these ads? Then again, this is exactly why there are warnings on microwaves: "do not place pets inside" or on electrical appliances: "not for use in bathtub". Because you know at some point that somebody already did just that!

Well, Christmas has officially "thrown up" in my living room - at least that is what John calls it. We started hauling out the totes of Christmas decorations last night. Darrin put together the tree so that I could start on the lights. For the first time in the 8 years that I have had the tree, I had a dead string of lights! So with having one less string, that meant spacing the lights just right so they made it to the top.... Didn't work. I have a tree with no lights on the top 2 feet. So now that means a trip to the store to pick up one set of white lights (with green wires please) so that I can finish the tree! I have all kinds of other lights in the garage, but no white with green wires! Have green lights with green wire, blue lights with green wire, white lights with white wires.... ARGH!! Ow well, 8 years for a set of lights, no complaints from me!

Now to just get that tree done and all the rest of the decorations up so we can get rid of all the totes!

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