Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Progress, slow but sure!

The basement carpeting is officially done! They came back on Monday to finish it!! The installer that has been working on our house is too much fun! He is easy to get along with, likes to joke around and is quick with a smart remark, and does fabulous work. But just don't call him Sir... he said that just doesn't work LOL We also found out yesterday that our vinyl for the kitchen has been ordered and will be here in about a week or so. We are tentatively scheduled to have the kitchen floor taken care of the Thursday after Labor Day! That will take a few days and then they will be able to do the living room carpet.

Guess that means that we need to think about getting out new washer and dryer ordered so that it will be here shortly after the flooring is done in the kitchen/laundry room!

In the meantime, after we finished painting the bathroom, I guess we didn't have enough... we decided to paint the living room! We think we have paint figured out, but just to be sure we picked up a sampler of the paint and tested it in a few spots around the living room. If all goes well, we will pick up the paint right away so that we can start painting next week.

So there has been progress. Seems like it had been crawling along but now it seems like things are moving right along and before long we will have a "mostly" new house! Guess the only think left to consider is pulling the wallpaper from the kitchen, but that is another discussion for another day! Let's just get through one project at at time... oh wait, we are already in the middle of 15 bazillion projects! LOL

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I figured that it was time for an update on our home repair adventures.

Going to the laundromat is for the birds! Last night was laundry night... granted it took me less than an hour and a half to get everything washed and dried, but the whole idea of having to HAUL it to the laundromat and back home again is no fun!

Last week Wednesday, the Dehu's left (no more extreme heat!) and on Monday the last of the fans were finally taken out (everything is quiet again!) We are also missing a bunch of the flooring in the kitchen as they needed to pull that out to get the floors completely dried. The last week has been spend talking to several different companies and getting estimates from them on the repairs. We are still waiting on the one form the restoration company that was originally sent out to do the initial cleanup/drying. We should have that by the end of the week. We have also been going through endless samples of ccarpeting and tile to figure out what we are going to have put in! We had foudn some vinyl that we really liked and kept going back to as our favorite (in photo to left). However in our last trip to one of the flooring companies, we found another one that is from the same company and same line that we like better. Will have to get a photo of that one posted as soon as we have time to get them uploaded.

We have also decided that, since our house is going to be torn apart to get everything fixed, we are also going to redo the carpeting in the living room as well as the wallpaper in the downstairs bathroom. So, we have spend the last 4 days moving everything that would could out. When you are redoing floors in the 3 largest area's of the house, it gets hard to figure out where to put everything! We have a garage full of stuff and the spare bedroom is getting close to being full! Jim is going to take the toilet out for us this weekend when he is in town so that we can start pulling wallpaper and get everything repainted right away.

The pool table was also moved yesterday. We had a crew come in, disassemble the table and haul it out to the garage. Once the flooring is done in the basement, they will come back and haul it back into the basement, put it all back together and then replace the felt on the table and rails. So glad that we didn't have to do that ourselves, and that insurance is covering the cost of all the moving of it, reassembly and felt replacement!

It seems like we are getting no closer to the end of this project! But in the end, we are practically going to have a new house!