Monday, December 31, 2007

The end of 2007 is upon us

Another year has come and gone! As I am sitting here getting ready for the New Years Festivities, I find myself thinking about the many wonderful things that 2007 brought...

1. I have a growing lia sophia business! In 2007 I not only signed on my very first team member in January, but actually signed on 6 throughout the year! I currently have 4 active on my team and I could not be prouder of all of them!

2. We made our annual trip to Wisconsin Dells in March. This, as always, was a perfect winter break! One of these years we will make it there in the fall to enjoy the many mini-golf courses.

3. Darrin made it through 3rd grade. This was a very trying year in school for him and after a lot of hard work and patients, he was successful.

4. John surpasses the 11 year mark at SNI - some days better than others, but it was an over all productive year.

5. John's brother and Jenny are pregnant! Their baby boy is due in May. I am sure that this is going to be yet another spoiled child in the family!

6. For John's Birthday this year, Michelle and Richard flew for the week! We were able to spend a whole week with them, exploring all sorts of attractions in Green Bay as well as Door County! Next mission, a trip for us out to Arizona!

7. We bought new living room furniture! Now this might now be a huge deal for some people, but this was the first time in my life that I actually got to pick out NEW furniture! Everything that I have had, has been hand-me-downs recieved from various family members! I guess the next puchase on the list for the living room is a new (bigger) TV.

8. One of my student loans and my car is paid off! I can honestly say that this has been possible as a result of my lia sophia business! If it were not for the extra income each and every month!

Over all, it has been a super year and I have many great things to look forward to in 2008!

Monday, December 10, 2007

End of the year is drawing near!

WOW Where did this last year go??

I just held my last lia sophia show of the year! I ust have 3 shows to finish closing out and I am done until January 3rd! January is started to look great! I have 7 6 shows on the books and at least 1 more to get a date finalized! I am planning on taking the next few weeks to get caught up on paperwork, clean and organize the office and start working on getting my stuff ready for doing my taxes so that I am ready come February.

Ok, I SAY that I am going to start getting all that stuff ready... that does not mean that it will all get done ahead of time! But it is a good place to start!

The next few weeks are going to be CRAZY!! We ahve a scout meeting tonight, dinner plans for Wednesday, leave for my parents on Friday and won't be home until Sunday afternoon (that also means I have more shopping to get finished before Friday too!) I have a lia sophia meeting on Monday, Scout Father/Son Bake-off Wednesday and then we leave Friday morning to drive up to Michigan to John's parents! We will actually be at home for Christmas so that will be nice!

New Years we are just planning on spending at home and 4 of our friends are coming over for the evening. We have done the same thing the last 2 years and it has been fun! Last year it was a Wii Bowling tournament, year before that was Poker Night. Who knows what we will decide this year - have to find out what everyone is up for this year!

Wow, I jsut re-read what I jsut typed - I think I need a nap after reading how much we have to do in the last few weeks!

Well, I guess I need to get back to the list of things to do! And then take a nap!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Another Monday... Gotta Love 'em

Why does the weekend never seem to last long enough? But at least this was a fun one! Maybe that's why it went by so quickly!

Friday night we went with the Cub Scouts to the Gambler's Game. I don't' mind the events like this because the parents usually stick around (unlike the other pack events where parents come, drop the kids off and leave. Meaning that those of us parents that do stay are usually trying to keep at least some sort of order!). Even though the Gamblers lost the game, we all still had a lot of fun! One of the dad's was selected to take part in the 3rd period Trivia Contest. If he answer just ONE questions correctly, he would be invited back in March for the finals. The question that he ended up with was "In the 1991 NMU played the Championship Game against which Boston School?" I KNEW the correct answer because I remember breaking my toes watching that game at my Uncle's house! I yelled up to him that the answer was D - Boston University. But apparently hecould not hear me over everyone else that was yelling that it was A - Boston College. So he went with A. Oh well. At least he did win a $10 gift certificate for Marty's Boston Crab Restaurant!

Saturday by lunchtime, the snow started falling. We were forecasted to get 4-8 inches of snow by midnight Saturday and a total of 8-10 by the time Sunday afternoon rolled around. It was nice light, fully snow that was falling so shoveling it in the afternoon was not too bad - 10 minutes and the entire driveway was done! By evening, we had some nice accumulation, but that did not stop us from going out for the evening. We had plans to go with Chad and Beth out to dinner and then to Slap Happy at Comedy City. Driving there was oh so fun! Thank goodness for 4-wheel drive! None of the roads were plowed until we were about 2 miles from the Club! Due to the snow, we opted to have dinner at the restaurant kitty-corner from the comedy club. None of us had even been there before, but we will definitely go back again! There was basically no one else in the place (go figure - the weather was bad and no one was out to eat!)! The Martini's were super (drink special of the night) and the food was good too. Great company makes any meal even better. I forgot how much I enjoy getting together with Chad and Beth. We had some great fun just hanging out like we use to do all the time!

After dinner we tromped through the piles of snow to head across the street... there was not a lot of people at the club! Granted we ended up getting there before the early Improv show even started, so people were still arriving. By the time the show started, the theater was almost full - not sure how busy the Improv show was, but Everyone made it to see Slap Happy! Another great show! Now, this was actually the 2nd time that I was seeing the show. I went Thanksgiving weekend with the rest of the family - John ended up getting sick so he didn't go with us. I told him that I would pay to see the show again! So we did! Just as good the 2nd time! We have never been disappointed with any of the stage shows there. (they write all of their own shows). We stuck around for the "late show" - they were having a Miller and Mike Show afterwards (Miller and Mike are Professional Clowns that use to work with Ringling Brothers!) So we stuck around for that too... definitely worth the time and $$!!! John and Darrin have seen some of there shows before but I never had. They are great! Ever seen anyone blow bubble by dipping their hands (wearing rubber gloves) into a bucket of bubble solution, then blowing through their fingers etc? Yup, it works!

We drove home laughing so hard that it kinda made you forget about the wintery weather that we were dealing with! At least by that time it had stopped snowing and the plows were able to catch up! The only roads that were not plowed was the backroads going to our house!

Sunday was another quiet day around the house - got some Christmas cards done, most of the rest of the holiday decorating and some baking done. Never did get to the grocery store... guess I better to that today!