Friday, November 30, 2007

Weekly random thoughts - what are some people thinking???

Another week is here and gone! Hard to believe that December is right around the corner! Darrin actually asked if he needed to take his snow pants to school today - there was a dusting of snow on the grown, bearly enough to cover the grass!

Um... no, don't' think you need those yet! Yes we are expecting snow over the weekend. I know kids like playing in the snow, but don't rush it! In a few months you are going to be complaining that you HAVE TO wear those same snow pants that you WANT to wear today!

Yesterday I saw the funniest thing when I was leaving the video store... A lady was in the parking lot with her poofy little white dog and she was wiping it's butt! Ok, now I can understand animals being part of the family and doing everything that you can for your pets (remember those kittens that we spent all that $$ on and they didn't make it). But wiping your dogs BUTT!?! ok, maybe the dog just went to the bathroom, maybe she had leather seats in her huge SUV, but I have to draw the line somewhere! Does this dog also have it's own wing of the house with his own butler? Oh wait, that was the lady wiping his butt!

SO to all me friends out there, never buy me a dog that I will have to wipe it's butt! I have a kid, 3 cats and a husband to clean up after already!

Sometime I really have to wonder about some of the new products out on the market... my mom just sent me the link for this one today.... It is a tray that can be used in the car. Fine and dandy for kids in the backseat who want to munch on their Happy Meal. Or any other passenger in the car that has some need for a table.... Just don't picture it attached to the STEERING WHEEL of the car!

I can see the headlines: "Man killed in highway accident... using his laptop while driving"

Do marketing people not think when they are creating some of these ads? Then again, this is exactly why there are warnings on microwaves: "do not place pets inside" or on electrical appliances: "not for use in bathtub". Because you know at some point that somebody already did just that!

Well, Christmas has officially "thrown up" in my living room - at least that is what John calls it. We started hauling out the totes of Christmas decorations last night. Darrin put together the tree so that I could start on the lights. For the first time in the 8 years that I have had the tree, I had a dead string of lights! So with having one less string, that meant spacing the lights just right so they made it to the top.... Didn't work. I have a tree with no lights on the top 2 feet. So now that means a trip to the store to pick up one set of white lights (with green wires please) so that I can finish the tree! I have all kinds of other lights in the garage, but no white with green wires! Have green lights with green wire, blue lights with green wire, white lights with white wires.... ARGH!! Ow well, 8 years for a set of lights, no complaints from me!

Now to just get that tree done and all the rest of the decorations up so we can get rid of all the totes!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Yesterday came back to haunt me!

Yup, those resistance bands came back to haunt me last night! My arms were so sore that I coudl not sleep! It took getting up TWICE during the night to sit in the hot tub, rubbing them with Icy Hot PLUS a muscle relaxer. I think I did manage about 4 hours of sleep. Today was definetly one of those days that I would have much rather just stayed in bed, but dity called and I had to go into work this morning. At least I was home about 1pm.

Never did get the nap that I was hoping to, so I guess it is time to find some sleep here before it gets too late!

That Wednesday morning workout will be calling my name! I need to get back into my routine after falling off at Thanksgiving. Not getting the the gym for a week really hit me hard after yesterday!!

BTW - why is it that Dark Chocolate Covered Almonds are so irresistable? Could not pass them up today, but I better make that workout tomorrow that much better!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Monday Workout Summary

Today's class was a challenge, but I made it through without too much difficulty! 30 minutes of cycling - 15 minuets of which were alternating between cruising and sprinting, lower and higher levels of resistance. Very similar to that which would be in a spinning class. It was tough, but maybe I will have to try out one of the spinning classes in the near future!.

After that it was back to the paired exercises - do one of the machines and then go over and to the corresponding floor exercise to go with the machine. Today we were using resistance bands to work out upper arms and chest. Those were tough! Lisa and I decided that those are going to hurt tomorrow! At the end of class we took 10 minutes to work our Abs as a class. This time I made it through the whole series of reps without having to stop!

So far this class has been super! It is giving me more options on what I can and need to do on those days that I cannot get to the gym!

Wednesday... after class I will do 3 miles on the treadmill in less than 45 minutes (working to improve that time from the Wyld Turkey Race on Turkey day!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Round and round we go!

Well, it is officially the end Thanksgiving weekend 2007...

What a crazy week! I say week because my parents rolled into town on Tuesday, my Uncle on Wednesday. So the office was turned into the Guest Suite again, my dad claimed the couch in the basement and everyone was happy. It was really odd this year to only have 6 people at the house for Thanksgiving! My brother, his girlfriend and daughter were spending Thanksgiving with her family and Dan flew out to California to spend the holiday with his family (first time in many years - his trip out there was a whole different adventure!).

Darrin and I started Thanksgiving day with the Wyld Turkey Run/Walk at the local YMCA. A 5k walk to get you moving - make you feel not so guilty about all the food you are going to eat later! He set the goal of finishing in 50 minutes. We started out at a jog - easier to go wtih the flow of runners at the beginning to wait for them to spread out.
Over the 3.1 miles, we walked, we jogged, we ran. I knew that we were keeping a good pace and it was going to be close to finish at his goal. There was one guy that we saw out on the course that had his 4 year old with him. That was so cool to see. The first time we saw this guy, he actually was jogging with his son on his shoulders! Now that's some good added resistance!
When we left the park trails and got back to the main road, Darrin knew we didn't have much further to go and he got his second wind! Once we reached the corner of the parking lot, Darrin said it was time to run. Strong finish to the line! As we got closer to the line, her realized that we were at about 48 minutes - he was going to beat his goal!

Once we finished the course, we headed inside for a small snack and find out our offical results...

48:08 !!

Now that's our time to beat for next year!

Friday morning was shopping... alarm went of at 3:45! We were at the stores by 4:35. 4 hours later, we were able to get just about everything that was on our list - after visiting the 4 stores on our list! We even got my Uncle up and out the door by 4:30 (who usually would just shake his head at us for getting up that early to shop!). He was on a mission to get a new CHristmas tree to go in his new house!

Friday night we went to the local comedy club/theatre for the stage show that they were running. One of the best shows I have seen there in a long time! John ended up not goign with us becuase he got sick at the last minute and I told him that I woudl pay to see it again so that he could go too! Maybe next weekend...

Now part of the Christmas lights are up outside, will start hauling out the reast of hte holiday decorations tomorrow and by next weekend they will all have a home again in the house.

It just seems like every year, we start seeing CHristmas decorations earlier and earlier. Not only in the stores, but in people's yards! Christmas trees on sale right next to fake spiders and goblins. Then as soon as some people take their Goblins down from teh house, the CHristmas lights go up.

Now I can understand putting hte lights up when it is still nice outside, but please don't turn them on until at least after Thanksgiving! Enjoy each holiday as it comes - we dont' need to see your Christmas decorations up at Easter!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Time to update!!

I guess it has been longer sine I have been here to post than I thought! So much has been going on the the last month and that means that I have not been able to get here to post anything!

Business is going great. My promotion when into effect November 1st. I currently have 4 active ladies on my team (two of which have started in the last month). They are all doing well! In fact, they are all doing so well that it looks like I will be able to earn a trip to Hawaii!! I will only earn the trip for one, but still it is a great accomplishment. The next decision is going to be, will I take the trip and go with the girls, will we buy in John and him and I go with the rest of the winners, will I opt to take the cash buy out and use it towards a vacation for John and I at a later day? Such choices!

Halloween was a lot of fun this year! We decided to volunteer at the zoo for their annual Zoo Boo. Darrin loved that! Instead of going to collect candy, he was passing it out to the little trick-or-treaters that were wandering the zoo. When we left the zoo, Darrin asked if we can do it again next year. It was really a great experience for him. It was really a fun night! The funniest part was, only a handful of kids actually knew who we were dressed up as! But the adults all knew - apparently kids these days have no clue who the Addams Family is! We did get some photo's from Halloween posted so feel free to check them out!

In fact that photo site listed above is a great site that John found not too long ago that we have been using on a regular basis! It is fast and easy to upload pictures and create your own albums! Be sure to bookmark that site and check back frequently because we add new stuff - especially with the upcoming holiday's!

We also have found a really cool ScrapBlog website. Here you are able to create your own Scrapbook blog! I started doing a few pages and am probably going to do more. Very easy to do, we are just trying to figure out is there is any way that you can print out your pages after you finish them! Here you can find our adventures at the Pumpkin Patch this year and then our Halloween adventures. I am still working on the cover page for the Halloween Album and still need to add the photo's from trick-or-treating, so check back for those later!

The Holiday Season is right around the corner and everyone is busy getting ready. Thanksgiving once again is here at our house. We Will actually only have a small crowd this year. Brian, Brenda and Dessa are spending Thanksgiving with Brenda's family (there drove here last year to be with us). Dan is actually spending Thanksgiving with his family in California. This is the first year in many years that he will not be with us for Thanksgiving! So there will only be 6 of us this year. But we have 35 pounds of turkey to cook!

Yes that's what I said! 35 pounds and only 6 people! My uncle decided that he wanted to do a deep-fried turkey this year. Now I have tried DF turkey before and it is ok. Better fresh than reheated, but only ok. John thought the same thing... we want good leftover turkey! SO I bought the 10-12 pound turkey that will fit in the fryer and then a 24.5 pound turkey for the oven! Hard to say just how much will be left over! I just know that everyone will be able to have as much as they want and then some!

I am also trying to make the other side dishes as health friendly as possible. Last year I made many of the dishes with low fat and fat free products and no one noticed the difference, so I am going for it again this year! We are also trying some different recipes... onion, herb and chive mashed taters in the crockpot, stuffing also warmed in the crockpot, a new recipe for cranberries. I will post the recipes later if they are worth making again!