Monday, January 28, 2008

Bios Life Slim

I am trying something brand new! Bios Life Slim is a natural product that will soon be on the market in a few months. I have the privilege of being friends with one of the few people in the country that have access to this new product and he is giving me the opportunity to get started with it now!

The original Bios Life is a product developed the early 90's as a cholesterol management product. It has been reformulated a couple of times with the latest version of Bios Complete coming out about 2 years ago. The product has been through
several clinical trials that have proven that the product is safe, all natural, and lowers LDL (bad) Cholesterol on the average of 30% and raises the HDL (good) Cholesterol by an average of 29%. It has also been proven to balance blood sugars so well that most Type II Diabetics do not need to take insulin while using Bios Life Complete.

Bios Life Slim is an enhanced version of Bios Life Complete. It does all of the same great things as Bios Life Complete and it enhances fat loss as well. It does not focus on WEIGHT loss, but rather the fat loss! Kent sent me all kinds of wonderful information on the product and I decided that I had to try it! With the 90 day money back guarantee, what did I have to loose!

I had several reasons for wanting to try this product. First, I found out last fall that my cholesterol is starting to climb (not good). It is not to the point where they had even suggested any drug to bring it down, but I figure that i better get a jump on it before it gets to that point. The other of course is the fat loss component! I have struggled with my weight over the last 10 years and I have been trying to get to where I want and stay there! No, I am not giving up on Weight Watchers, because Weight Watchers is a lifestyle. This works right along with Weight Watchers to make you a healthier person!

I actually first took Bios Life on Saturday when I stopped by Kent and Tina's to talk with them about the product. It tasted great and Kent was right - I did not feel hungry for hours! Yesterday I took it twice - once right before lunch and once right before dinner. I ate smart, felt full faster and did not have the urge to snack like I usually do! I have realized quickly that this product is going to keep me in check with what I am eating because I know that I will feel full faster so I need to make sure I am eating properly! Having a few snacks keeps me going and eating fruit and veggies instead of other quick fixes will really help me to get in those daily requirements!

I am going to the Y for a fitness analysis on Friday where I can get my measurements etc so that will be a great starting point for this! I have been told that id does take about 8 weeks to really see results so I should not get frustrated. But it will happen! Tina said that she has really seen the difference for herself in the last 2 months! I am believing you Tina!!

Once I get those results on Friday I will post them and continue to log my progress here!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Off to a good start...

2008 is off to a good start. Classes started on Monday at the Y. SThe trainer is changing a little of the format for class around so that is focuses more on weight loss! WooHoo!! Not that I didn't like the class before, but is just got better!

She started off class on Monday by giving everyone a folder with everything we need to track out workouts, foods and weight loss each week. Our homework for Monday was to write down our Commitment for the next 7 weeks. My commitment....

* Workouts 6 days each week. If I know that I am going to have to miss weekend workouts because we will be out of town, I will add coem extra tiem to my workouts on the other days of the week.

* Tracking ALL food is a must! I know that the more I track my food, but more attention I pay to what I am actually eating. I need to focus on getting in all the daily requirements.

* Minimum 350 calories burned per workout

Class start weigth (1/9/08) 206.4
Class goal weight (2/23/08) 195.0

Today was an awesome workout! I was shooting for 60 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of Strength. I accomplished both! I now can see for Certain that I burn more calories per workout on the Cross-Trainers and whatever the new cardio machine is at the Y. The cycling is a great easy workout, but I don't get the heart rate and calories burned that I get with the other equipment.

I am hoping that I can stay on track this weekend whne I am in Chicago. I know that I won't have time for any workouts, but that is part of the reason why I am trying to do more during the week this week. Next week Monday and Tuesday I will also have to work hard to make up for the weekend.

So far I have been doing good tracking all my food this week, Since monday anyway! Need to keep that going! I know for sure that when I track my food I do better on paying attention to what I eat!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Another Year , another fresh start

Last night was a lot of fun! We invited Beth and Chad, as well as Dan over for the evening. It just so happened that Sandy was in town on her cross-country vacation and came over with Dan too. We had not seen her since a few years after High School. We all spent the evening laughing and playing Guitar Hero III on the Wii. That was entertainment enough!! Finally everyone's fingers had enough and we called it quits about 11pm.

John and I had to laugh... must be a sign that we are getting old... we had a few friends over for NYE, everyone was gone and the mess was cleaned up before 12:30am! Go figure!!

With a new year, brings new insights and goals for the upcoming year. This year is no different, with one exception.... I am going to make them happen!!! So often I get easly frustrated as give up to easily. Not this year!

My Goals for 2008:
Get Healthier!!!
1. 190 by Valentines Day (I started towards this in before Christmas and have not got very far yet!)

2. Get to the gym 4 days a week and workout at home at least 2 other days.

3. No more mindless snacking in the evenings!

4. Ultimate goal - 35 pounds GONE by June 1st (22 weeks from now)

5. Do more Real cooking and meal planning. Cut back on the canned and boxed meals.

For my Business...
1. Build team - 4 new starts before Conference, 8 for the year

2. Get shows per month back up to 7-8 per month

3. Set Team goals with the team for us all to work towards this year

4. Earn the trip for 2 to the Caribbean!!!

I am sure that there is more that I will want to add, but this is a good start so far!!!

Here's to a GREAT 2008!!