Monday, October 29, 2007

Time to get back on the wagon and stay there!

I just finished a 6 week Group Express fitness class at the Y last week and today was the first day of a new one. It was a really good class - 30 minutes of continuous strength training in the gym. No weight machines to work with! Everything was weights, stability balls and your own body. I had contemplated taking the same class again with the same trainer, or taking a different class at about the same time that was a combination of cardio and strength - this was also an hour instead of just 30 minutes

I opted for the new class. So far I am thinking that I am really going to like this class! She told us that each class is going to be 20-30 minutes of cardio and then each day would vary somewhat in what we did for strength training. Very cool! When it is something different all this time, it is harder to get bored with a class!

I think this class might be just what I need to get myself back on a regualr workout schedule! I have been doing pretty good about getting to the gym Mon/Wed/Fri, but need somesort of motivation to get there other days! I seem to always find some excuse not to go! Taking this class might give me the boost to really watch my food intake too. The trainer told me that I was welcome to bring in my food journal once a week or so and she would go through it with me. Very cool!

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