Monday, December 10, 2007

End of the year is drawing near!

WOW Where did this last year go??

I just held my last lia sophia show of the year! I ust have 3 shows to finish closing out and I am done until January 3rd! January is started to look great! I have 7 6 shows on the books and at least 1 more to get a date finalized! I am planning on taking the next few weeks to get caught up on paperwork, clean and organize the office and start working on getting my stuff ready for doing my taxes so that I am ready come February.

Ok, I SAY that I am going to start getting all that stuff ready... that does not mean that it will all get done ahead of time! But it is a good place to start!

The next few weeks are going to be CRAZY!! We ahve a scout meeting tonight, dinner plans for Wednesday, leave for my parents on Friday and won't be home until Sunday afternoon (that also means I have more shopping to get finished before Friday too!) I have a lia sophia meeting on Monday, Scout Father/Son Bake-off Wednesday and then we leave Friday morning to drive up to Michigan to John's parents! We will actually be at home for Christmas so that will be nice!

New Years we are just planning on spending at home and 4 of our friends are coming over for the evening. We have done the same thing the last 2 years and it has been fun! Last year it was a Wii Bowling tournament, year before that was Poker Night. Who knows what we will decide this year - have to find out what everyone is up for this year!

Wow, I jsut re-read what I jsut typed - I think I need a nap after reading how much we have to do in the last few weeks!

Well, I guess I need to get back to the list of things to do! And then take a nap!

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