Sunday, May 17, 2009

Too much to try and catch up on everything...

so I'm not even going to try! It's been a crazy, busy few months. Between work, Boys Scouts and everything else, it is amazing that I can still (mostly) sane!

Today was the 10th annual Cellcom Marathon. With record registration, we knew it was going to be an awesome day! With over 10,000 people registered in one of the 3 events, there were people everywhere! This year they did something a little different and started the 5k race at 7am and then the Full and Half Marathons at 7:30. They were trying to cut down on the congestion at the start of the race. So Darrin and I had to be there a little early... but wanted to get there early enough so that we could actually find a parking spot semi- close so that we would not have to walk a mile to get to the start of our 5k.

It was a cold morning (38 when we left the house) so we opted for nylon pants and t-shirts instead of shorts. I am sure that if we would have gone with the shorts, we would have been fine once we got moving, but I didn't want to take the change with the wind - that was REALLY cold!

We left the house at 6:10 and arrived at Lambeau Field by 6:20. After getting a lucky parking spot right by the greenhouse in KMart's parking lot, we headed across the street to the stadium. After making a loop through the atrium and seeing the mile long line for the restroom, which I was not in the mood to stand in forever, I was on a mission. Back out of the stadium to find the restrooms.

After a quick wait in line, it was time to head to the starting corral for the start of the 5k. They were already lining up the faster pace runners (definitely NOT us!). We were completely content to stick toward the back of the pack... let the congestion head out in front of us!

Formality's completed (race statistics, thank you's to all the marathon volunteers, national anthem) we were off! When you are moving with such a large group of people, it is really hard to NOT let yourself get caught up in the hype and just go at their pace. Darrin did head out ahead of me, and I just let him go. He has been training at school for the Bellin run, so I know he has an idea of what his pace should be. Shortly after we rounded the corner heading away from the stadium, I did catch up to him. Over the next few blocks were running within a few hundred yards of each other., but once we were about 1/2 mile into the race, he was left behind me in the crowd.

Last year I stayed back with him to push him along. This year I decided that I was going to let him go it on his own. He knew what his time was that he wanted to beat (40 minutes was his ultimate, but he wanted to at least better his time from last year of 44:38) and I wanted to let him accomplish that on his own. We decided that if we were able to keep ourselves to the pace that we wanted, to achieve our personal goals, we should be IN the stadium by the time the Marathon started at 7:30

It started out as a very chilly morning but it was the perfect morning for a run. Once I was finally able to focus and block out everyone else around me, I found myself enjoying the gorgeous morning that it turned out to be. This year I did have the advantage of knowing the course so I could use that to help pace myself. From time to time, I found myself checking behind me to see if I could see Darrin back in the crowd. But he was never there.

Before I knew it, I was less that a block away from the stadium! Not really sure where my running partner was, I made sure that my focus remained on getting to that finish line. With the stadium in view, I found myself thinking about how my pace was... was I going to be able to beat my time from last year (42:48)?? As I rounded the corner, heading into the Lambeau Field parking lot, I saw that the marathon had started... and I was not in the stadium yet...

but I was not going to let that discourage me. I still could beat last year's time.

I kept pushing on.

Running through the tunnel and out on the the field in the stadium this year was just as exhilarating as last year. Granted, last year was the first time that I was actually IN the stadium but this year I was actually able to really take a look around and see some of the details that I missed last year. It still amazes me on how big it is once you get into the field. As you are running around the perimeter of the field, you can't help but feel like a mouse in a vast space!

As I was leaving the field and running through the tunnel, I found Darrin! He came around the corner and as soon as he saw me, he had a HUGE smile on his face. I could tell right away that he was very proud of what he was accomplishing on his own. He was determined to reach his goal. and this gave me motivation so see is I could do the same.

As I was heading out of the tunnel, I saw a clock up on the wall that said 7:38am. If I wanted to bean my time from last year, I was going to have to put it in gear. My ultimate goal for today was to not only beat my time from last year, but to do it in less that 40 minutes. I know that the time on the clock only gave me 2 minutes to finish, but I also know that I the time that I actually crossed the start line was later than 7am. But I was going to see where I could get!

As soon as I left the stadium, heading out through the loading dock, I kicked in the final push. I found myself passing anyone I could reach. When I can around the final turn, and the time clock at the finish line came in to sight, all I could see what 39:xx. I never really saw what came after the 39. All I knew was that I wanted to cross that finish line before it hit 40.

And that is exactly what I did!

Granted, bu the time I got past the finish line, I was exhausted. I pushed myself and my body pushed back, but I did not let it get the best of me!

Once I crossed the finish line, caught my breath and found some water, it was time to see if I could find Darrin crossing the finish line. I grabbed a spot along the gates as waited (still trying to catch my breath!). Before too long, I spotted him! Still wearing that same grin from earlier.

He did it on his own this year! No matter what his time, I am very proud of my little man for what he did this morning!

Instead of hitting the food tents for brats and rootbeer (I sorry, can't do brats before 8am!) we decided to head for the results tent to find out our official time.

The results....

Darrin 43:4. Not only did he beat his time from last year, but he did it by nearly 2 minutes!
Myself 38:42 - about 3 minutes off last years time!

After a job well done.... we celebrated by going out for breakfast! (and then went grocery shopping!)

Next month.... the Bellin 10k...

1st year for me, 2nd for Darrin. We WILL beat his time from last year!

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