Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Perfect Evil

Just finished reading A Perfect Evil by Alex Kava....

WOW! I actually started reading this book last week, but unfortunatly, I didn't get much time to read it in the last week. Last night I decided that I wanted to sit down and really start in on the book.

5 hours later (at least Midnight) the book was finished. Now it has been a LONG time since I have read a book almsot completly cover to cover in one night. I just could not put it down. I HAD to find out what happened. I actually did stop reading at one point so that I could go to sleep. That lasted about 5 minutes! I was back into the book again. It was like sitting down to watch a movie and 15 minutes from the end, turing off the TV. It was not happening. My mind needed to know the outcome. There was no way that I was going to get to sleep without knowing...

I would have to say that is has been a long time since I book really did that to me. I usually can read part of a book, but it down and come back a day or two later to read more. Not this book! It was like I was under some sort of spell. It was a superb blend of good and evil. One's twisted view of what is right and wrong. Another's fight to overcome the issues of the past.

Now I am not going to devulge anything that happened in the book for those of you who want to be read it and find out for yourself. I will say that it did not end like I had expected... and I will be looking onto her next book to read soon! VERY soon!

Next read: Double Shot by Diane Mott Davidson

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