Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The FlyLady is my new friend

I have decided that I need a new friend! her name is the FlyLady ( is going to try and help me get my house clean and organized! Several of my friends have already started using her tips to get their homes and lives organized. It is my turn!

I just spend this morning getting caught up on the daily missions for the week. I have also started trying to get into my morning and nighttime routines! Doing 1 load of laundry a day is definelty much mroe tolerable than doing it all at one! I have folding laundry and if I have 5 loads sitting there staring at me that need to be folded it is just too much! Now throwing in one load each day is much more reasonable! Now why didn't I think of doing that years ago?

The next big project is to get my weekly cleaning schedule somewhat figured out...

I am realizing that if I tackle smaller parts of the cleaning list on different days of the week, I am more likely to get it done! No one wants to spend the ENTIRE day cleaning... I can deal with a short time each day instead! I am hoping that this will help to make sure that all the cleaning is done before the weekend so we dont' have to spend our family time cleaning!!!

Today's list of stuff finished:
Kitchen swept and mopped
living room dusted
all trash cans empty
downstairs bathroom swept and mopped
Chili simmering in crockpot to take up north with us this weekend
Kitchen table cleared of everything except what needs to be packed in car tomorrow

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