Monday, May 12, 2008

Time for an update...

I guess since it has been a month since I have updated anythign here, I should do it now!

D and I have been consistantly running 4-5 days a week. Last week on Thursday we went to the Y and ran the 5 K loop that we did last THanksgiving for the Wild Turkey run. Back then, we finished the course in 48 minutes, wlaking most of the way. This time, we finished sooner! D did it in 44 minutes, I did it in 42. Considering we did it it the spring heat this time and the first time it was FREEZING cold, we felt great about the times. D set a goal of 40 minutes for the CellCom 5k that is coming up on Sunday.

I also have started taking a spinning class at the Y on Monday mornings, and then the Zumba classses are now offered on Tuesday as well as Thursday morning! WooHoo!!

Now that I have been getting in the exercise regularly again, I am ready for the scale to start showing it!!

I also am on the hunt for a really good (but not too spicy) Chicken Chili recipe! We all relaly likethe Chicken Chili at Erberts and Gerberts, but it gets expensive buying it there all the time! I tried one batch yesterday and it was just ok. I am going to keep looking tho!

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